Friday, July 8, 2011


I have 15 followers on this "blog", three of which I personally know.

So my question is... who are the rest of you?

Why did you decide to click the little button to follow my thoughts around?

Tell me about yourselves. There's a place for comments right below.

So... Who are you?

Tell me a story.



So fucking restless.

Summer day consisted of double pack of cinnamon role oatmeal for breakfast. Watched Lost in Translation. Wished I was acting. Wanted to watch another film. Watched Inside the Actor's Studio: Al Pacino. Fantasied about the Actor's Studio. Ate can of ranch beans for lunch while reading my finance book. Napped. Called my mother. Called my grandmother. Left her a message wishing her a happy 85th birthday because she wasn't there. Probably was out playing BINGO. Read more finance. Watched movie trailers (that I had already seen). Looked up tickets for Broadway shows (that I've already looked up). Looked up plane tickets for New York (which I had also already looked up). Texted my sister. Caught up on emailing people back (two people). Brought the trashcans in from the street. Started boiling a pot of water for angel hair pasta, half a pack (to have leftovers). Started typing this.

I need a change. Something new.

My water's boiling.