Friday, November 20, 2009

Think: A Stance on Ethics

The other day my eyes were opened.

I am going to tell the truth right now.

Throughout this blog and in the past I have devoted posts to acting, writing, and film making, since these are my interests I want to pursue in the future. I can talk about how much I want to do these things, and how much I love to do these things, and how much fun I have when doing them, but the truth is, these things are hard to do, and lots of people want to do them. I realize this, and I realize that no matter how hard I try I just may never be good enough and reach where I want to get. Do not get me wrong, it will be a very long time before I ever give up this dream I have, but I do have to understand that right now it is still just a dream. It is not yet a reality.

The reality is, right now I am a business student at one of the best public business schools in California. In three years, when the recession has (hopefully) turned around, I should be able to get a pretty good job with the education I have received at this university, but I am not so sure I want that job.

Business is the backup plan to acting and film making. What I thought I would at least moderately like to do in business was advertising. It is a job that would allow me to use my creative instincts and storytelling abilities to sell products. See the film connection? Anyways, I have come to the realization that one day I may be advertising for a company that does not have the same ethical principles as I do. We hear stories of the corporations moving their factories to foreign countries in the effort of cutting cost, but what are they really cutting? They are simply increasing their profit margin when they do this. Also, when the corporations move to these countries they are heralded as heroes by the people, because they are providing jobs. These heroes provide jobs that pay cents on the hour to workers that produce clothes and other goods that retail for hundreds of dollars. Is that right? I have not yet even mentioned the companies that pose health risks to their customers with their products. Products that are consumed with the thought that they are healthy for you, when in reality they can kill you because of all the untested additives.

I now feel to work in advertising I would want to... no, have to research the companies I would be advertising for, because I do not think I could support and make money for a corporation that profits on the suffering of others. I do not think I could work for a company whose sole goal is to make as much money as possible, no matter the cost. The lack of remorse some companies show when their deceitful actions are found out by the public is despicable. I am going to spare the names of the multiple corporations that in just the last fifteen years have been found out to be corrupt. They will not be specifically mentioned in this post, and do you know why? It is because there are too many to list.

If I am forced to have a job and not a career, then I at least want my job to be something I can enjoy or feel good about doing. I want to find something that helps people and benefits them, I do not want to hurt them. That is what I would feel like I am doing if I was advertising for a corrupt corporation, even if I am not directly responsible. I would still know that what I would be doing is wrong, and that would be enough for me to stop.

I need to find that special something that can make me happy. I need to find that special something where I can use the skills I was blessed with to the best of my ability in enriching the lives of others, as well as my own life. My memory, my attention to detail, my sociological observations, my listening ears, and my tenaciousness.

I think I have found that special thing in my life. All I can do now is go forth with the support of the people in my life, my God-given skills, and try to be tenacious as I step out from the darkness behind the curtain and into the light of center stage.

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