Monday, December 8, 2008

2 dead weeks

Last week was "dead week" (yes, I just used air quotes).

Supposedly, but it's as if I have 2 deads weeks because I don't have a true final until Friday. So what I'm going to be doing until then is studying. Studying what I should have been studying during the first "dead week" (yes I just used them again).

The way I figure it there are two kinds of tests/exams/finals. There is the one based on recall, and there is the one based on recognition. My psych final is going to be based on recognition, meaning that I can study one night (one hour) and do fine on it. My stats final on the other hand is based on recall, meaning I have to truly understand the material. Whatever that means.

The way I figure it is if I cannot remember it for the test, then it is not important enough to be tested on and therefore not having to be remembered.

But what happens happens.

All I can do is study until my brain forms so many new wrinkles until it collapses upon itself and causes a miniaturized black hole that will swallow up this entire campus and everything else; causing no finals for anyone. Now there’s a visual for you.

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