Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Calculus, I'm breaking up with you"

Ready for classes to be over, especially the pointless ones.

YES! Calculus I'm talking about your stupid inanimate ass! I was studying for your final tonight and realized, "Wait! Why am I doing limits and definite integrals? Oh yeah that's right, because this pointless material is going to be on the final. Not like it has any other significance to my life!"

If I'm going to be a writer and an actor I don't need to know how to do calculus. Hell, if I do a lot of things with my life I don't need to know how to do calculus. Even if I write a screenplay about a mathematical genius who is a savant at calculus, I still only need to know the terms not HOW to do it, or what the equations are. That's what they pay the consulting producer for.

Calculus consider yourself getting of easy, this is maybe only the first post about you. STATS had way more hate thrown its way. So, calc if you're going to be a little bitch and go cry because of this (which I know you will) just make sure you go somewhere I can't see you, because I've had enough of your torturous pointless shit.

I'm done with you.

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