Monday, June 8, 2009

giving credit where it's due

I would like to thank everyone that has supported me over the last month in pursuing this role in the play. Thank you to my aunt who was there the first day I auditioned and talked to me afterward when I thought I did horrible, and was still with me that night when I got the callback message from the director. Thank you to my parents for supporting me through this and not telling me to forget it and focus on classes. Thank you to my sister who helped me find and understand that theatre is where to start. Thank you to Julianne who called me at midnight, the night I found out I got the role and told me she was proud of me and I could hear the excitement in her voice. Thank you to Jeffries who was one of the first persons to congratulate me (I can't wait to work with you in the future). Thank you to everyone who just asked me about it and had an interest when they found out or when I told them. Thank you to everyone who liked or commented on my play/audition related facebook statuses (you know who you are). Thank you to my professor, Josh Machamer, who got me interested so much in theatre and provided the opportunity for me to act in this play. Thank you to Anna, my director, who took a chance on me, a kid who had never professionally acted before (I don't know if she knew that). Thank you to my co-stars and fellow actors in the play; Aubrey, Ellie and Kathryn for simply being great and made me be my best just to try and match how good they were. Thank you to the Cal Poly Theatre Department for providing this opportunity to all of us. Thank you to the Cal Poly Theatre community of directors and fellow actors that were welcoming and made this business major feel comfortable on their home turf. Thank you to the audience members who came to the shows and enjoyed themselves. Thank you to the two audience members, one after each show, whom I did not know that came up to me and shook my hand telling me "Good job in there." Last but not least, thank you to the person who dropped the program for Can Can while they were trying to throw it away, because if I had not picked that up off the ground I may have never gotten the program of my first, but sure not to be my last performance.

Without these people in my life providing support and making me who I am, what I do would simply not be possible, and for that I thank you.

Yours truly,



Deanna said...

Well done! I'm glad you got the role and everything, and I hope all goes well.
I think its real nice of you to thank everyone who's helped you along the way like this :)


- D x

Julianne said...

My ERIC!!!!
Well I'm not sure what this is, but I am thankful that you posted it on my facebook wall. Lol And I signed up for it anyways, just for the chance to write you back, not to mention keep up with your wonderfully exciting life, while you are so far away from me!
I completely miss you and hope that I can see you soon. only a couple more days of school for you! I'm excited.
I am sincerely sad that I could not see your first play! You should have informed me of this! Well, you know I will be at the next one for sure! No matter when it is.
I am so proud of you! You continue to amaze me! Miss you!
