Friday, June 5, 2009

wanna get hungover?

Saw The Hangover today. The streak continues! SIX movies in SIX weeks of summer! By the way that movie was HILARIOUS!!! Definitely the funniest movie I've seen all year. Funniest movie I've seen since Tropic Thunder, maybe even funnier (probably), but I can't fully tell that until a second viewing.

Following The Hangover we went to the casino. + $75 in my pocket = a good night.

Now? Time for some of the greatest show ever (entourage) then maybe (not) some calculus, and finish the night with practicing some lines for the play tomorrow.

It is the big day. But question: Will it be my Silver Chalice or will it be my Primal Fear?

Guess we'll have to wait and see how that one turns out.

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