Saturday, November 22, 2008

the waiting state...

In Dr. Seuss's Oh, The Places You'll Go! he writes about the waiting place...for people just waiting...

But for me this is not only a place. It is a city inside of a state. A state inside of a country. A country inside of a continent. A continent inside of a world. A world inside of a solar system. A solar system inside of a galaxy. A galaxy inside of a universe. A universe inside of my state of mind.

It is as if I am constantly waiting for something else to happen. There is no current escape from the waiting and staying. No boom bands are playing. Yes, there is fun to be done, but little to be won.

Is there a winning-est winner of all? No one can be as famous as famous can be; because the whole wide world cannot watch you win on TV.

The games you can't win are the only ones being played, because you've waited far too long and are very much delayed.

Where are the great places?

Where is my mountain that is waiting?

When will today be my day?

So...I can get on my way!

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