Monday, May 11, 2009

revelations at 1:00 am

Last night after I was super doubting myself and my ability I talked with a friend who helped me realize that I may just have a little talent and a shot.

I was just about to fall asleep and wake up to another week of school when the ideas started to come and not stop. For some reason my best ideas come to me when paper and pen are nowhere to be found, like in the shower or in bed. Why is that?! Who knows? But that's a question to be answered on another day. ANYWAYS... when the ideas came I managed to have a stack of post-its and a pen nearby (oh post-its, how you save my life and cover my desk). I wrote out the few brief scenes that came to my head right then and the even better thing is that it was mostly dialogue that I was writing down, not just camera angles or action sequences.

How the moods change from day to day, or more accurately, hour to hour; it's an amazing thing.

POP QUIZ: Is it a coincidence that I just had my 100th post and this revelation came to me at 1:00 a.m.?

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